Here is a list of all the maps I've made for Marathon Infinity and Marathon Evil. Enjoy, and don't forget to email me telling me what you think of the map :-)

Marathon Infinity Maps
Plague Maps Pack A netpack of four maps: Plague Winds, Plague Waters, Plague Thunder and Plague Plant. There's a good storyline in the terminals, and all four maps can be played solo or net. All maps support KoTH, EMFH and KtMwtB. Download: 247Kb
Ultracarnage Map Pack A netpack of 5 maps. Some are for network only. All maps support KoTH, EMFH and KtMwtB. Download: 138Kb
Marathon Evil Maps
Evil Plague Maps Pack The above Plague Maps Pack converted for use with Marathon Evil. Download: 255Kb
Mystic Map Pack A netpack of four levels: Mystic Base, Mystic Station, Mystic Rebellion and Mystic Lab. There is an excellent storyline within the terminals. All four can be played net or solo. Supports KoTH, EMFH and KtMwtB. (note: try playing Mystic Lab on TC. See how long you can survive ;-) Download: 999Kb
Death Blade Arena An arena style level with three teirs. Can be played net or solo. Supports KoTH, EMFH and KtMwtB. Download: 57Kb
Kill Pfhest Based on Death Blade Arena, this map is directed towards solo play. The aliens have been beefed up, but it supports KoTH, EMFH and KtMwtB. Download: 47Kb
Shadow Death Another arena style level, this one is almost completely black except for the hills. Extreme fun on KoTH :-) Can be played net or solo. Supports KoTH, EMFH and KtMwtB. Download: 47Kb
Death Zone A three teired level. The top is Return to Thunderdome style, the middle is really just for access to the top and bottom, and the bottom teir has pylons supporting the top two levels. Can be played net or solo. Supports KoTH, EMFH and KtMwtB. Download: 68Kb