

World Knot


half-crazed Myth fanatics have visited this site since 21/12/97

The Berserker, Thyre Bonesplitter, crouched down on small crest that ran right around the World Knot. The other 11 men in his unit were behind him. Thyre looked up and saw the Fir'Bolg scattered around the hill, watching. There was a faint thumping sound in the distance as the rebel Trow walked around. Several dwarves were crouched on the far side of the crest, talking amongst themselves.

As Thyre turned away from the World Knot to his men, there was a blast of light from behind him. He whipped around just in time to see about 10 Soulless join the mass of Thrall that were already moving to attack. The Fir'Bolg's arrows flew through the air, hitting the the thrall. The arrows were soon joined by the dwarves explosive cocktails.

Several of the cocktails didn't go off, but those that did went off with an enormous blast of light and heat. Three thrall were blown apart by the explosions, but the others didn't even seem to notice. The soulless were on the move towards to the dwarves, but several of them were killed before they reached them. Those that survived ripped into the dwarves. Soon all that was left was a bloody mess and a pile of satchel charges.

Thyre turned away to see the towering form of the rebel trow behind him. The archers stopped their rain of arrows as the Trow, two units of warriors and Thyre and his men charged into the fray. By this time the thrall and soulless had been joined by a mass of myrmidons. The archers started firing their arrows again, this time at the myrmidons. Several of the myrmidons went down under the onslaught.

Thyre had just dispatched a thrall when three myrmidons came at him. He ducked under the first's wild swing, caught the second through the chest with his sword & pulled his sword free of the corpse just in time to fend off the the third's vicious attack. It seemed to Thyre that the myrmidon's eye sockets were filled with hatred. He dodged a swing at his side, and brought his claymore down to slice off the myrmidon's head. The beheaded body fell to the ground and disintegrated. Meanwhile the rebel trow was causing havoc amongst the enemy, kicking opponents in little peices.

The World Knot activated again, this time bringing in two Trow and four Fetch. One of the Fetch fell almost immediately to a dwarven grenade, but the other three turned and blew apart the dwarves nearby. Another Fetch fell to the archers arrows, but the archers could fire any more, twin blasts of lightning shot from the two remaining Fetch's withered hands to blast them apart.

One of the enemy trow was being hacked apart by a large group of warriors and the other one had its hands full with the rebel trow. The exchanging of blows sounded like giant hammers being smashed on rock. There was a cracking sound, and the enemy trow was smashed apart by the rebel. The remaining two fetch were blasted apart by the dwarves, sending little pieces of Fetch flying across the landscape.

For a fourth time the World Knot activated, bringing in a massive unit of thrall and a two packs of Ghols. The Ghols immediately set out for the archers positions, and the thrall lumbered towards the warriors. The soulless hovered above the thrall, throwing their poisonous spears at the archers. Thyre and his men ran towards the ghols, trying to get them before they got to the archers. He carved one ghol's head off, and severed another's arm at the elbow. There was a scream as one of the Thyre's berserkers was surrounded by thrall and hacked to pieces. With the ghols now lying in pieces on the ground around themm, Thyre and his men attacked the thrall.

Again the World Knot activated, but this time it wasn't undead that stood there, but dwarves, archers and warriors. They had been corrupted by the Dark, and Thyre was going to make them pay dearly for it. As he finished up the last thrall, he ran towards the enemy warriors but was stopped in his tracks by a hail of arrows. One of them embedded itself in his chest. He stopped long enough to pull it out, then ordered his men to retreat.

To be continued...

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